Friday, December 4, 2009

Maori Land !

What they have Shared !
Maori people have now traditionally shared Aotearoa in a special relationship with whanau ( land ) from which cultural, spiritual , emotional and physical sustenance is derived .

Maori people define Themselves!

Maori people define themselves by their iwi (tribe), hapu (sub-tribe), maunga (mountain) and awa (river). Whanau is the name given to family - the term embraces immediate family, in-laws and all those connected by blood ties.

Benefit of Maori !

Land (other than Māori customary land) that has not been alienated from the Crown or benefit of Māori shall have the status of Crown land reserved for Māori.

Maori trustees !

Maori people choose trustees to look after the maori land because Trustees are appointed for life or such term as set out in the trust deed. Trustees can apply to the court to be removed - only the court can remove a trustee but it depens which trust it is.

Waiata !
Te aroha , te whakapono, te rangimarie, Tatou tatou e!
Te aroha , te whakapono, te rangimarie, Tatou tatou e!

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