Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tortara Springs

BYE! I waved a big goodbye wave to my Dad, as I stepped onto the double decor bus amazed.Once I got upstairs I was so filled of joy that my eye's started to get bigger as well as my pupils. Running around it was to hard to find me and Reina a seat.

"AAH" I screamed, we knocked into a tree that had cracked the window."CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK" the bus driver came stomping up top and saw that the window had fractured he said " Move away from that window just in case the window comes flying into your face".
So then they moved.

Just about to fall asleep "Where there Where there" Reina said I took a big stand and watched people waving at as.Walking out of the bus I looked around me. I saw Mr Burt running to me and I started to run away then he caught me saying "Sorry but your pillow got wet" I said in my head "Aw why did I run all of that running" I searched for my bag and went straight to my cabben.



1 comment:

  1. HI Ala I feel the same way to it was really sad when I had to leave my best friends that I met there that is really shaming we went home first because I wanted to stay and to talk to them for a little bit longer!!!!!!!!

